Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation

The implementation monitoring tool was designed to capture the state of implementation and adoption of the CLIx program in schools over a period of time. A monitoring framework enables us to:

  • Track the extent to which the CLIx intervention has been implemented in schools, districts, and states.
  • Make evidence-based decisions for course corrections to strengthen the intervention
  • Conduct research on impact in schools with varying levels of implementation or adoption
  • Provide information to the states so they can plan actions accordingly.
  • Provide data to stakeholders, thus increasing their participation as well as providing transparency and accountability for the project
  • Create a model of the processes and trajectories of implementation at scale in diverse field contexts.

    (An Image of the process of the IMT needs to be added)


  1. Data Collection - Every time a CLIx member visits the particular school.
  2. Analysis of the Data - Following data collection for each school, a visualization of the state of implementation/adoption to be created from the scores received in each of the five areas using the macros that will be provided to them. Areas of concern will be flagged, so that field resource personnel are alerted to issues that may need immediate attention. The data can be aggregated at the school, district, or state level to enable reporting to appropriate stakeholders.
    1. Technical support and Lab Maintenance
    2. Extent of implementation
    3. Teacher Professional Development
    4. Shifts in beliefs and pedagogic practices of teachers