N-computing setup related



  • NComputing ports information:

  • How to Assign a Static IP Address in M300 N-computing Device

After installing the vSpace server at the host PC or Server, it is important to set up

The n-Computing device, after connecting the device, please turn on the device (M300 have 3 devices please configuration on the main device which size is bigger than 2 devices)

  • At first power on the N-computing server and N-computing device then press ​ F5​.

  • Select the ‘’​ Device setup’’​ option.

  • Then select the‘’​ Network Setting”​ option.

  • Select ‘’​ Static Radio button​ ” and insert IP (Internet protocol), Subnet mask and Gateway.

Ex. –​ The IP address, subnet mask, Gateway

  • After filling all the blocks of IP click on the Apply button.

  • And finally, click on the save button to save all the changes.

  • Now Server will show up on the home screen of the M300 N-computing setup.