N-computing setup related
NComputing ports information:
How to Assign a Static IP Address in M300 N-computing Device
After installing the vSpace server at the host PC or Server, it is important to set up
The n-Computing device, after connecting the device, please turn on the device (M300 have 3 devices please configuration on the main device which size is bigger than 2 devices)
At first power on the N-computing server and N-computing device then press F5.
Select the ‘’ Device setup’’ option.
Then select the‘’ Network Setting” option.
Select ‘’ Static Radio button ” and insert IP (Internet protocol), Subnet mask and Gateway.
Ex. – The IP address, subnet mask, Gateway
After filling all the blocks of IP click on the Apply button.
And finally, click on the save button to save all the changes.
Now Server will show up on the home screen of the M300 N-computing setup.
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